Muhammad N. West

Topic: Physical Therapy

Essential Question: What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

4th Interview Questions Pending Approval

1)  What is the best way for a Physical Therapist to help an athlete successfully return to their sport? 
2)  What sort of habits lead to sports injuries?
3) How to do you know what intensity of exercising athletes are ready for when they first enter into therapy?
4)  How do tendons, ligaments, and muscle tears heal?
5) What are ways you help athletes deal with the pain?
6)   What are examples of functional exercising?
7)    What are some injury prevention strategies?
8) What are key things to keep in mind when attempting to strengthen the muscles around the injury?
9)   How can you tell if an exercise method is really making a difference?
10) What usually are the concerns athletes have with their situation?
11) How do you develop a rehabilitation program specific to the patient?
12) What kinds of injuries put athletes out of the game longer than others?
13) Could you describe how the body has to move in order to tear a muscle?
14)   How does a patient work on flexibility if they have a joint injury?
15)   In what ways can muscle memory training be integrated in rehabilitation?
16)  What do you think is the most effective way to prevent future injury?
17)   What kind of exercises do you ask your patients to do at home when they get to the point they are able to?
18)   What are the requirements for something to be considered body conditioning?
19)  What is the most common sports injury you deal with and why?
20)  What do you find most effective in progressing the rehabilitation more quickly while being efficient?

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