Muhammad N. West

Topic: Physical Therapy

Essential Question: What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Independent Component 2 Plan

The independent component is an opportunity for you top select a direction and create your own component. Each component must demonstrate 30 hours of work. There are two components. Please remember to review the contract.

1) Discuss possible ideas you have to complete this requirement?
Well I have already signed up for a First Aid class at the Red Cross and I will be taking it on the 2/26. This class is 9 hours and 30 minutes long. I plan to fill up the rest of time requirement by volunteering at the sports injury screenings at Casa Colina which is different from the kind of work I already do for service learning.
 The injury screenings are every sunday and ae open for three hours. If I start doing that I should have 30 hours by April 29.

2) How will these idea(s) help answer your EQ?
Basically this independent component plan will help me fill in evidence for what is currently my 3rd EQ answer which is, "Collaboration with the coaches, physicans, athletes on future injury prevention. The First Aid Class will be applicable to sports-related injurys and provide me with injury prevention skills. The class description included topics such as responses for breathing and cardiac emergencies, soft tissue and skeletal injuries. And a cool bonus would be if I do pass I will be certified for two-years. Now part 2 of my plan is to observe the sports injury screenings at Casa Colina. The information I get from there will be different from the ones I do at regular service learnig hours because I only see athletes who are already injured. At the screenings I will be able to talk active athletes and injury prevention techniques.

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