Muhammad N. West

Topic: Physical Therapy

Essential Question: What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

5-Minute Presentation Reflection

1) What would you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?
-Regrettably my visuals stood out the most about my presentation and haha not in a good way. I had printed out pictures of physical therapist rehabilitation techniques and different injuries they handle for my mix and match activity. My master plan was to tape them on the white board so I can easily put what goes with what but I forgot the tape. So I had to fiddle with my visuals, which inhibited my performance and distracted the audience.
2) What was most challenging to do and why?
- For me I would have to say staying within the actual five-minute limit of the presentation. Many factors can be attributed to this and one of which could be me presuming that I wouldn’t have enough to say. However, most likely the blame can be is due to, how the young kids say nowadays, winging through presentation. Don’t get me wrong I did prepare for my presentation is just I did not have the time to rehearse.

1 comment:

  1. You have raised good points in your blog response.

    (1) I don't even know if anybody could have seen the visuals even if you put it on the board.

    (2) Rehearsal is important. Do young kids say winging it, I have heard that expression for years.

    On a good note, you had some in depth information to present for the first one, but too much of it.
