Muhammad N. West

Topic: Physical Therapy

Essential Question: What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Independent Component 1

1)Discuss possible ideas you have to complete the independent requirement?
-To complete my independent task I have been planning to shadow at a place called TEAM Physical Therapy, which is an outpatient rehabilitation clinic. I have their contact information but have still yet to ask permission.
2) How will these idea(s) help answer your EQ?
-This idea will definitely help me answer my essential question. I specifically chose this facility as they highly specialize in sports medicine. My EQ asks for a physical therapist helping out an athlete scenario and they offer free sports injury screening for local clubs, high school and collegiate athletes. They also have a number of patients that have included the likes of MLB pitchers, NFL cornerbacks, Olympic softball and track athletes.

1 comment:

  1. Service learning or independent component? Or are yew saying yew plan to complete 110 hours for service learning to meet the service learning requirement and both independent components?
