Muhammad N. West

Topic: Physical Therapy

Essential Question: What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

5 Minute Presentation Rough Draft

Objective: I will clarify what a Physical Therapist is and illustrate the importance of what they do.

1)      Break the ice by asking how many people in the room has broken a bone or suffered an injury that limited their movements. I will ask this because it will most likely lead to the topic of seeing a physical therapist and make an easy transition.
2)      Give out a basic summary of what a physical therapist is but then explain the type of patients they see in a little more detail. The categories: sports medicine, pediatrics, cardiopulmonary, geriatrics, neurology, and orthopedics; will probably have pictures to represent them. Those pics are gonna be on a flash drive so I could just pull them up on the screen.
3)      Then in the same manner explain the different methods and equipments P.T.s use in their rehabilitation process, have pictures of each one, then as an mix and match activity get the class to decide which healing method goes with what injury.
4)      End by taking questions to the information I just discussed.

Check for Understanding:
Much of the activity checks for understanding but if questions are raised they will be answered.

Everything I am going to say will definitely be coming from the research I have gathered at this point. For the pictures I may just take them off the web or design them on photoshop if it is time efficient. And for the activity, maybe I can find a way to get it work the way I want on power point or some other program. If not I’ll just do it manually like on the white board or something and print out the pics.

1 comment:

  1. good way to start--forget the use of the computer for this presentation, present a visual without a computer.
