Muhammad N. West

Topic: Physical Therapy

Essential Question: What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Two Hour Presentation Student Assesment

1) I would give myself a P
2) The one thing I think I did well on the 2 Hour Presentation was content because I was able to talk past the thirty minute requirement without repeating anything.
3) What I think I did well on this project was most likely the interviews. I asked very specific questions that pertained to my goal and got a lot of information out of them. What I could have done better on was the research checks. I had great sources but there many of the times when they were too informative and I should have spent more time finding some that directly concerned my eq.
4) EQ is "What is the best way for a Physical Therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?" and my best answer for it is to instruct proper body conditioning.
5)  The last month of culminating events has not changed my answer for my EQ. Actually it has created a more solid basis and given more reasons why the answer I chose is the best one.
6) A suggestion I have for improving the senior project is maybe putting the 20 minute presentation closer to the two hour as the feeling you get from the 20 minute is still fresh in your mind.
7) For the overall senior project I would give myself a P+ because I have met with every requirement and that is what my current grade for it is,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Service Learning

(1) LIA Response to blog:
• Log of specific hours with a total and a description of your duties
Scanned Copy (Some of the dates are out of order.)
-I regularly re-stock linen cabinets with towels, pillow cases, wash clothes, and gowns.
-Prepared therapy beds by wiping the leather surfaces and leg supports, raising the bed, opening privacy curtains, diposing of used linen and ice bags, returning lumbar/thoracic/cervical heat pads to hydrocollators.
-Wipe down used excercise machines and equipment
-Put equipment away
-Clean hydrocollator
-Photocopy papers
-Observe P.T.s work with patients and assist if needed

• Contact Name & Number
Casa Colina Centers For Rehabilitation
Human Resources: Rose Prieto
HR #: 909-596-7733 ext.2154

The most important thing I got out of volunteering at Casa Colina would have to be seeing first hand how Physcial Therapists interacted with their patients. P.T.s instruct and guide patients through their rehabilitation process, but how well it goes is ultimately up to the patient's will and cooperation. So what I noticed during my time in service learning is that each P.T. had an "easy-to-talk-to" approach with their patients. They cultivate this relationship by showing sincere interest in their patients and casually talking with them while they peform their exercises. I saw that having this friendly attitude is important because its makes patients comfortable enough to speak up about problems they have about their health. This makes things easier for P.T.s because they won't have to probe their patients as much and they can gauge how well the rehab is progressing.

Service learning at Casa Colina has helped drive my senior project. My answer about instructing proper body conditioning was first discovered during my third interview. The other answers also fell into place as I observed how things worked in the rehabilitation clinic. Watching physical therapy in action allowed me to assess whether or not which answers were actually realistic.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

2 hour Presentation Rough Draft

(1) What is your sponge activity?
I thinking about showing the class an edited video montage of basketball injuries.
(2) What do you plan to do and say in the introduction?*
-briefly talk about how I came to this topic and formed my EQ
-define my EQ
-outline the lesson plan
(3) What do you plan to say in your foundation?
- explain what a physical therapist is and what they do
-then show the connection between injured athletes and p.t.s
-examine how p.t.s develop an athlete's rehab program which will lead to my first answer
(4) What will your 2 or 3 answers be for your 2 hour?
1. Anatomical and Movemental Knowledge of Typical Injuries in Basketball
2. Instruct Proper Body Conditioning
3. Teach Safeguards Against Future Injuies.

(5) What activities will you do for each answer and why?
Ans 1: Some sort of activity that gets them to name the anatomical structures involved in certain basketball movements, maybe a picture diagram that they have to fill out
Ans 2: Have them do exercises that targets muscular strength, flexibity, endurance
Ans 3: teach F.I.T.T. formula , S.T.O.P.(initial injury assessment), R.I.C.E.R. (intial injury treatment), how to detect overtraining

(6) How do you plan to conclude your 2 hour?*
-state my best answer and explain why
-discuss my three most meaningful sources
-what i gained from my experience in this project and my product from it

(7) How do you plan to decorate the room?
I dont really have any good ideas. Maybe pictures of basketball triump and injuries or maybe cover the walls with inspirational words. Once again i dont really know yet.

(8) What supplies/resources will you need to make your 2 hour possible?
-powerpoint, worksheets for the activity, maybe some light workout equipment( i havent decided what specific exercises i will have them do yet).

Friday, April 29, 2011

Independent Study Component 2


1. Log
-For the first part of my Independent Component 2, I attended a first aid class on 2/26/2011. Then beginning from 12/5/2011, I played basketball on Riley's team, Bromo-sapiens for almost every sunday.
2.Posted Evidence (Example: For a college class, take a photo of your transcript and upload it).

I scanned that cards that certify that I am first aid trained.

The team jersey that I used.


(a) Statement saying: “I, Muhammad Noor, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”

(b)  The First Aid class was supposed one class that lasts for nine hours and a half, but the class actually went a little past ten hours so I will count it as ten. For the rest of hours I participated in the Pacrim Basketball League on Riley's Bromo-sapiens team. Each game was an hour but I practiced an hour before before each game. I played on ten of our games so that adds up to about 20 hours and 30 in total.

The First Aid Class is applicable to sports-related injuries and provide me with injury prevention skills. The class description included topics such as responses for breathing and cardiac emergencies, soft tissue and skeletal injuries. I changed the second part of my plan to complete this independent component. I couldn't manage to get into the sports injury screenings as I had wanted, but as it turns out I had already started on something that work as part of independent component. When I decided to specify my essential question to basketball, I realized I could use the time I spent on Riley's basketball team as hours towards my Independent component.

Well the Red Cross First aid class definitely provided necessary information to answer my eq. It taught foundational injury assistance and prevention, which is part of my third answer. I also got good ideas for activities for my presentation out of this, such as proper ankle wrapping. Also my experience in the basketball team gave me vital perspective of what kinds of strains and pains are common. For example Jeremiah sprained his ankle after a jump shot. Without seeing first hand the motions that caused the injuries, it would be difficult to prepare prevention strategies for them.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Independent Component 2 Update

(1) What are you doing to fulfill the 30 hour requirement for this component?
What I have done so far is completed my first aid class. I have yet to do some hours at the injury screening clincs. I also plan to do something about basketbal because I will probably focus more towards basketball injuries.

(2) What are you currently working on? How many hours have you completed?
As of now I have completed nine hours and 30 minutes. I am going to start helping out at the injury screening clincs.

(3) So far, how is it helping you with your essential question?
Well the first aid class gave me more injury prevention knowledge which is one of my essential question answers.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Creative Expression

My idea for this art based presentation is to do something along the lines of surrealism. I would either paint it on a canvas or photoshop a picture drawn by hand.  The actual artwork  would depict the human anatomy and some sort of physical injury towards one of its systems (like cardiovascular or musculoskeletal). I picked surrealism because its bascially the distortion of reality and I feel it would help show the actual body structure while capturing the emotional aspect of sustaining injuries.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Product

The product of my senior project that has been the most prominent so far is my ability to talk to professionals. I have noticed that there is improvement in the way I present my knowledge and understanding of my topic. If compared with a time before my senior project, a difference of how strongly and detailed my speech can be seen. This growth can be said to be derived from my service learning, interviews, and science fair. It is in those situations that has pushed me into becoming better at sifting through the knowledge in my head and transitioning them effectively into "to the point" sentences.