Muhammad N. West

Topic: Physical Therapy

Essential Question: What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

2 hour Presentation Rough Draft

(1) What is your sponge activity?
I thinking about showing the class an edited video montage of basketball injuries.
(2) What do you plan to do and say in the introduction?*
-briefly talk about how I came to this topic and formed my EQ
-define my EQ
-outline the lesson plan
(3) What do you plan to say in your foundation?
- explain what a physical therapist is and what they do
-then show the connection between injured athletes and p.t.s
-examine how p.t.s develop an athlete's rehab program which will lead to my first answer
(4) What will your 2 or 3 answers be for your 2 hour?
1. Anatomical and Movemental Knowledge of Typical Injuries in Basketball
2. Instruct Proper Body Conditioning
3. Teach Safeguards Against Future Injuies.

(5) What activities will you do for each answer and why?
Ans 1: Some sort of activity that gets them to name the anatomical structures involved in certain basketball movements, maybe a picture diagram that they have to fill out
Ans 2: Have them do exercises that targets muscular strength, flexibity, endurance
Ans 3: teach F.I.T.T. formula , S.T.O.P.(initial injury assessment), R.I.C.E.R. (intial injury treatment), how to detect overtraining

(6) How do you plan to conclude your 2 hour?*
-state my best answer and explain why
-discuss my three most meaningful sources
-what i gained from my experience in this project and my product from it

(7) How do you plan to decorate the room?
I dont really have any good ideas. Maybe pictures of basketball triump and injuries or maybe cover the walls with inspirational words. Once again i dont really know yet.

(8) What supplies/resources will you need to make your 2 hour possible?
-powerpoint, worksheets for the activity, maybe some light workout equipment( i havent decided what specific exercises i will have them do yet).

1 comment:

  1. Your rough draft looks pretty good. My only questions are:
    (1) Sponge activity - How will you tid the video to your presentation? What will you say? What will be the point of showing it?
    (5) What is your third answer? Knowing the formulas?
