Muhammad N. West

Topic: Physical Therapy

Essential Question: What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

4th Interview Questions Pending Approval

1)  What is the best way for a Physical Therapist to help an athlete successfully return to their sport? 
2)  What sort of habits lead to sports injuries?
3) How to do you know what intensity of exercising athletes are ready for when they first enter into therapy?
4)  How do tendons, ligaments, and muscle tears heal?
5) What are ways you help athletes deal with the pain?
6)   What are examples of functional exercising?
7)    What are some injury prevention strategies?
8) What are key things to keep in mind when attempting to strengthen the muscles around the injury?
9)   How can you tell if an exercise method is really making a difference?
10) What usually are the concerns athletes have with their situation?
11) How do you develop a rehabilitation program specific to the patient?
12) What kinds of injuries put athletes out of the game longer than others?
13) Could you describe how the body has to move in order to tear a muscle?
14)   How does a patient work on flexibility if they have a joint injury?
15)   In what ways can muscle memory training be integrated in rehabilitation?
16)  What do you think is the most effective way to prevent future injury?
17)   What kind of exercises do you ask your patients to do at home when they get to the point they are able to?
18)   What are the requirements for something to be considered body conditioning?
19)  What is the most common sports injury you deal with and why?
20)  What do you find most effective in progressing the rehabilitation more quickly while being efficient?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Independent Component 2 Plan

The independent component is an opportunity for you top select a direction and create your own component. Each component must demonstrate 30 hours of work. There are two components. Please remember to review the contract.

1) Discuss possible ideas you have to complete this requirement?
Well I have already signed up for a First Aid class at the Red Cross and I will be taking it on the 2/26. This class is 9 hours and 30 minutes long. I plan to fill up the rest of time requirement by volunteering at the sports injury screenings at Casa Colina which is different from the kind of work I already do for service learning.
 The injury screenings are every sunday and ae open for three hours. If I start doing that I should have 30 hours by April 29.

2) How will these idea(s) help answer your EQ?
Basically this independent component plan will help me fill in evidence for what is currently my 3rd EQ answer which is, "Collaboration with the coaches, physicans, athletes on future injury prevention. The First Aid Class will be applicable to sports-related injurys and provide me with injury prevention skills. The class description included topics such as responses for breathing and cardiac emergencies, soft tissue and skeletal injuries. And a cool bonus would be if I do pass I will be certified for two-years. Now part 2 of my plan is to observe the sports injury screenings at Casa Colina. The information I get from there will be different from the ones I do at regular service learnig hours because I only see athletes who are already injured. At the screenings I will be able to talk active athletes and injury prevention techniques.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Presentation 2 Final Draft

"What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to their sport?"

A. Introduction
1. Ask 3 audience members of what they know about Physical Therapy. No longer then 20 sec responses each.
2. Re-iterate why I chose this topic and define all the open-ended terms in my EQ. 1 min at most.
3. Present goal of presentation which is to relate the three sections of content to my second EQ Answer.  20 sec
     "Well-rounded understanding of their sport and typical injuries"

B. Body
1. Typical sport injury areas & causes (physics of how body moves, strains/tears, acute/chronic) 5-6 minutes
2. How the injury heals ( blood circulation, cell regeneration, anatomy, etc.) 5-6 minutes
3. Activity: I changed my activity. I am still spliting the class in half. The difference is how the activity will be played. There will be 13 identify Injury/Healing questions because there will 26 people in the audience. The questions can only be answered by the holder of the notecard containing the term. Basically each side will have all the answers but it is up to the individual to figure out what pertains to what. So for every one question there is two card wielders, one on each side who have to raise the their card first to get the point. 1 point 1 answer. 4- 5 minutes.

C. Conclusion
-Most important source whould be "Sports injuries guidebook" because it has in-depth examination of the most common sports injuries.
-Emphasize it is important for the Physical Therapist to understand the sport because so they know what kind of body movement they can prep their patients for.

D. Materials
- Whiteboard
-Wall Chart of Human Anatomy
- Powerpoint for activity

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Independent Study 1

1. Log:  Basically I volunteered at the Tae Kwon Do studio on Tuesdays and Thursday from 4 to 8 pm for the past 4 weeks.( Actually a little more than 30 hours) The exacts dates are 1/18, 1/21, 1/25, 1/27, 2/1, 2/3, 2/8, 2/10.
2. Evidence:

Me observing physical testing.

My Black Belt.


(a) I, Muhammad, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

(b) At the Tae Known Do studio I either was observing or helping out with the exercises. Some of the help that I did were holding kicking targets, assisting sit-ups, and moving around gear/mats.

Although Tae Kwon Do isn't specifically my senior project topic, it did have some validity as my research source. First of all, I observed every class began with warm-ups. They would stretch out basically their entire bodies because it is martial arts and thus they will be moving around a lot. Teaching proper warming up is one of my answers to essential question as it will reduce risk of overall injury. There they targeted their torsos and legs because Tae Kwon Do involves a lot of leg movement. Also another answer to my essential question is learning proper techinque of the sport. In martial arts that is what you do most of the time. You come and pratice every body movement until it gets into muscle memory. Watching the instructors communicate and demonstrate these proper technique was in itself a learning experience for me.

Now I've already explained how it is related to my essential question, but I need to be selective of what I learn from here. Not everything is interchangable and can be carried over to physical therapy and general sports. Like I won't bring over how to axe kick to my lesson because I can't really think of a sport that calls for that. However, what I will use is stuff about body conditioning and exercises. For example the proper way of doing squats is bending shoulder with apart down until your legs are bent perpendicularly. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

20 Minute Presentation Rough Draft

"What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to their sport?"

A. Introduction
1. Ask 3 audience members of what they know about Physical Therapy. No longer then 20 sec responses each.
2. Re-iterate why I chose this topic and define all the open-ended terms in my EQ. 1 min at most.
3. Present goal of presentation which is to relate the three sections of content to my second EQ Answer.  20 sec
     "Well-rounded understanding of their sport and typical injuries"

B. Body
1. Typical sport injury areas & causes (physics of how body moves, strains/tears, acute/chronic) 5-6 minutes
2. How the injury heals ( blood circulation, cell regeneration, anatomy, etc.) 5-6 minutes
3. Activity: Identify the injury to the sport powerpoint. Divide the class into two sides. 1 point 1 answer. 4- 5 minutes.

C. Conclusion
-Most important source whould be "Sports injuries guidebook" because it has in-depth examination of the most common sports injuries.
-Emphasize it is important for the Physical Therapist to understand the sport because so they know what kind of body movement they can prep their patients for.

D. Materials
- Whiteboard
-Wall Chart of Human Anatomy
- Powerpoint for activity