Muhammad N. West

Topic: Physical Therapy

Essential Question: What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

5-Minute Presentation Reflection

1) What would you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?
-Regrettably my visuals stood out the most about my presentation and haha not in a good way. I had printed out pictures of physical therapist rehabilitation techniques and different injuries they handle for my mix and match activity. My master plan was to tape them on the white board so I can easily put what goes with what but I forgot the tape. So I had to fiddle with my visuals, which inhibited my performance and distracted the audience.
2) What was most challenging to do and why?
- For me I would have to say staying within the actual five-minute limit of the presentation. Many factors can be attributed to this and one of which could be me presuming that I wouldn’t have enough to say. However, most likely the blame can be is due to, how the young kids say nowadays, winging through presentation. Don’t get me wrong I did prepare for my presentation is just I did not have the time to rehearse.

Interview 1 Reflection

What is the most important thing I learned from the interview and why?
- Possibly the most significant thing I have come to understand from that interview is that he had a lot to say and I had trouble following note-wise. However I did ask him to slow down at times so I wouldn’t miss what he was saying. Having been in the same position I was in he didn’t mind much and was pretty cool about it. Yet it concerns me that stopping the conversation may discourage the interviewee from a breathe easy vibe. So what I got out of this is that I should maybe bring a tape recorder so the interview can talk freely and I myself feel more at ease knowing I can listen back on the tape.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

5 Minute Presentation Rough Draft

Objective: I will clarify what a Physical Therapist is and illustrate the importance of what they do.

1)      Break the ice by asking how many people in the room has broken a bone or suffered an injury that limited their movements. I will ask this because it will most likely lead to the topic of seeing a physical therapist and make an easy transition.
2)      Give out a basic summary of what a physical therapist is but then explain the type of patients they see in a little more detail. The categories: sports medicine, pediatrics, cardiopulmonary, geriatrics, neurology, and orthopedics; will probably have pictures to represent them. Those pics are gonna be on a flash drive so I could just pull them up on the screen.
3)      Then in the same manner explain the different methods and equipments P.T.s use in their rehabilitation process, have pictures of each one, then as an mix and match activity get the class to decide which healing method goes with what injury.
4)      End by taking questions to the information I just discussed.

Check for Understanding:
Much of the activity checks for understanding but if questions are raised they will be answered.

Everything I am going to say will definitely be coming from the research I have gathered at this point. For the pictures I may just take them off the web or design them on photoshop if it is time efficient. And for the activity, maybe I can find a way to get it work the way I want on power point or some other program. If not I’ll just do it manually like on the white board or something and print out the pics.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Art Project Poster Presentation

- I first sketched out a silhouette of a human running. Then I began filling in each body part seen here. This  part was the most time consuming as I had to search for images of the body part so I could refer to when I drew them. Afterwards I finalized the drawing by tracing it in a bold pen. This was done so the picture could be scanned clearly onto the computer for photoshop. I had planned to use photoshop from the start to color the picture professionally. I also used it to scan my hand written labels.
- The idea behind this poster was to symbolize the goal of physical therapy, which is to restore the body's range of motion and ability to function independently. I decided to use a man running because it generally indicates good health. Yet as you can see there is something abnormal about this man. The reason being is that all of his body parts are afflicted with different reasons to go see a Physical Therapist.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Exit Interview


Independent Study 1

Independent Study 2


Who do you plan on interviewing?
-I plan to interview Ligia Chang's older brother Eugene.
- He is an iPoly alumni who already has done the same project and topic I plan to do. Having such experience I believe he can pass onto me wisdom not only pertaining to physical therapy but guidance to past mistakes and successes .
You have been assigned to 5 questions to ask. What more will you ask and why?
- In addition to those five question I will ask him stuff concerning becoming one such as what courses I should take in college. The reason being is I see physical therapy as a possible future and I could use all the help I can get. As well as how things went with his own project of course.



Research Semester 1

What is your topic?
- Physical Therapy
- I am interested in it and may pursue it as a career.
And what do you hope to accomplish after studying this topic all year?
- Discover if this career is right for me, and if so take the right steps in college to become one.

Research Semester 2

Science Fair