Muhammad N. West

Topic: Physical Therapy

Essential Question: What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Independent Component 2 Update

(1) What are you doing to fulfill the 30 hour requirement for this component?
What I have done so far is completed my first aid class. I have yet to do some hours at the injury screening clincs. I also plan to do something about basketbal because I will probably focus more towards basketball injuries.

(2) What are you currently working on? How many hours have you completed?
As of now I have completed nine hours and 30 minutes. I am going to start helping out at the injury screening clincs.

(3) So far, how is it helping you with your essential question?
Well the first aid class gave me more injury prevention knowledge which is one of my essential question answers.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Creative Expression

My idea for this art based presentation is to do something along the lines of surrealism. I would either paint it on a canvas or photoshop a picture drawn by hand.  The actual artwork  would depict the human anatomy and some sort of physical injury towards one of its systems (like cardiovascular or musculoskeletal). I picked surrealism because its bascially the distortion of reality and I feel it would help show the actual body structure while capturing the emotional aspect of sustaining injuries.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Product

The product of my senior project that has been the most prominent so far is my ability to talk to professionals. I have noticed that there is improvement in the way I present my knowledge and understanding of my topic. If compared with a time before my senior project, a difference of how strongly and detailed my speech can be seen. This growth can be said to be derived from my service learning, interviews, and science fair. It is in those situations that has pushed me into becoming better at sifting through the knowledge in my head and transitioning them effectively into "to the point" sentences.