Muhammad N. West

Topic: Physical Therapy

Essential Question: What is the best way for a physical therapist to help an athlete successfully return to basketball?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

ESLR Check

  During the course of the first semester I've needed to stretch out my abilities to keep up with all the overwhelming work. Meaning I had to commit more time to doing schoolwork and sacrifice leisure activities. There was rarely a time I only had one thing to worry about in my mind. To deal with the situation I prioritized between short term and long term due dates. Yet no matter the type of work, I applied myself proportionally to the task at hand. Such instances could be shown during model assembly. During the party platform I was dead tired from writing my speeches from the night before, but I still did my best to get a word in on every bill that was discussed.
 The first semester was also very involved with the senior project. I learned a lot about Physical Therapy through the research checks and service learning. The articles and books I used for the research checks gave me a very strong foundation of knowledge in the field of P.T. From those I learned many things about the tools they used and what injuries are most common. Also through the service learning I was able to experience real P.T. to patient interactions that simple text couldn't really substitute. I had already understood what type of work pertains to this profession, but I was surprised how the P.T.s and aids were able to give each and every one of their patients their full enthusiasm.  After handling with so many patients it's a wonder where they get their energy. This probably shows how effectively they spend their time and their understanding of the injury at hand.
     I know I can improve in ESLRs during the second semester because I can put more attention in my senior project rather than spread it between model assembly stuff. Once my senior project takes more of a shape I will be more motivated and eager to make it the best I can.

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